¤ Graphic



class Graphic a where
   measureGraphicK :: a -> GCtx -> Cont (K b c) MeasuredGraphics
   measureGraphicListK :: [a] -> GCtx -> Cont (K d e) MeasuredGraphics
  instance Graphic PackedString
  instance Graphic BitmapFile
  instance (Graphic b) => Graphic (Drawing a b)
  instance Graphic Gfx
  instance Graphic FixedColorDrawing
  instance Graphic FixedDrawing
  instance Graphic FlexibleDrawing
  instance Graphic MeasuredGraphics
  instance Graphic PixmapImage
  instance Graphic Bool
  instance Graphic Char
  instance Graphic Double
  instance (Graphic a, Graphic b) => Graphic (Either a b)
  instance Graphic Float
  instance Graphic Int
  instance Graphic Integer
  instance (Graphic a) => Graphic (Maybe a)
  instance Graphic SmileyMode


The class Graphic collects types whose values have graphical representations (just like the class Show collects types whose values have textual representations). Most basic types belong to this class. The library also provides some new types for graphics.

The standard way to make a new type T an instance of the Graphic class is to define a function, draw_T say, that convert values of type T into a type that is already in the Graphic class and then define the instance in the following way:

  instance Graphic T where
     measureGraphicK = measureGraphicK . draw_T

The class methods are normally not used directly by the application programmer in any other way.

See Also

Types for graphics: Drawing, FixedDrawing, FlexibleDrawing, BitmapFile.

Fudgets that display graphics: hyperGraphicsF, displayF, labelF, buttonF, ...