¤ loadFont, queryFont, et al


loadFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (FontId -> c a b) -> c a b
queryFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontId -> (FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
loadQueryFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (Maybe FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
loadFontF :: FontName -> Cont (F a b) FontId
queryFontF :: FontId -> Cont (F a b) FontStruct
loadQueryFontF :: FontName -> Cont (F a b) (Maybe FontStruct)
safeLoadQueryFont :: (FudgetIO c) => FontName -> (FontStruct -> c a b) -> c a b
safeLoadQueryFontF :: FontName -> (FontStruct -> F a b) -> F a b


These combinators are used to load fonts and font metric information.

See Also

xrequestK, xrequestF, XLoadFont, XQueryFont and XLoadQueryFont in the Xlib Programming Manual .