¤ XEvent, XResponse


data XEvent = FocusIn { detail :: Detail, mode :: Mode } | FocusOut { detail :: Detail, mode :: Mode } | KeymapNotify | GraphicsExpose { rect :: Rect, count :: Int, major_code :: Int, minor_code :: Int } | KeyEvent { time :: Time, pos :: Point, rootPos :: Point, state :: ModState, type' :: Pressed, keycode :: KeyCode, keySym :: KeySym, keyLookup :: KeyLookup } | ButtonEvent { time :: Time, pos :: Point, rootPos :: Point, state :: ModState, type' :: Pressed, button :: Button } | MotionNotify { time :: Time, pos :: Point, rootPos :: Point, state :: ModState } | EnterNotify { time :: Time, pos :: Point, rootPos :: Point, detail :: Detail, mode :: Mode } | LeaveNotify { time :: Time, pos :: Point, rootPos :: Point, detail :: Detail, mode :: Mode } | Expose { rect :: Rect, count :: Int } | NoExpose | VisibilityNotify Visibility | CreateNotify Window | DestroyNotify Window | UnmapNotify Window | MapNotify Window | MapRequest Window | ReparentNotify | ConfigureNotify Rect Int | ConfigureRequest | GravityNotify | ResizeRequest Point | CirculateNotify | CirculateRequest | PropertyNotify | SelectionClear Atom | SelectionRequest Time Window Selection | SelectionNotify Time Selection | ColormapNotify | ClientMessage Atom ClientData | MappingNotify | YourWindowId Window | MenuPopupMode Bool
  instance Show XEvent
data XResponse = DisplayOpened Display | WindowCreated Window | GCCreated GCId | CursorCreated CursorId | PointerGrabbed GrabPointerResult | FontLoaded FontId | LMLFontQueried FontStruct | ColorAllocated (Maybe Color) | PixmapCreated PixmapId | BitmapRead BitmapReturn | RmDatabaseCreated RmDatabase | GotResource (Maybe (String, RmValue)) | CoordinatesTranslated Point | GotAtom Atom | GotEvent (Window, XEvent) | GotWindowProperty Atom Int Int Int String | PointerQueried Bool Point Point ModState | FontQueried (Maybe FontStructList) | ColorQueried Color | TreeQueried Window Window [Window] | GotDefaultRootWindow Window | GotGeometry Rect Int Int | GotVisual Visual | Synced | TextExtents16Queried Int Int CharStruct | GotFontList [FontName] | GotFontListWithInfo [(FontName, FontStructList)]
  instance Show XResponse


XEvent corresponds directly to the similiarly named type defined in the Xlib library.

XResponse contain the values that can be returned as response to XRequests.

See Also

The Xlib Programming Manual , XRequest, Detail et al.