¤ createGC, wCreateGC, et al


createGC :: (FudgetIO c) => Drawable -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> c a b) -> c a b
wCreateGC :: (FudgetIO c) => GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> c a b) -> c a b
pmCreateGC :: (FudgetIO c) => PixmapId -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> c a b) -> c a b
createGCF :: Drawable -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> F a b) -> F a b
wCreateGCF :: GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> F a b) -> F a b
pmCreateGCF :: PixmapId -> GCId -> GCAttributeList -> (GCId -> F a b) -> F a b


createGC drawable templgc gcattrs

type GCAttributeList = [GCAttributes Pixel FontId]


createGC is used to create a GC (graphic context) to be used in subsequent drawing commands.

wCreateGC and pmCreateGC are shorthands for creating GCs for drawing in windows and pixmaps, respectively.


drawable :: Drawable
The drawable with which the GC will be used. The GC can be used with any drawable with the same root window and pixel depth.
templgc :: GCId
a template GC.
gcattrs :: GCAttributeList
GC attributes in which the newly created GC differ from the template.

See Also

xrequestK, GCAttributes, XCreateGC in the Xlib Programming Manual .