The fudget library uses suffixes to identify some common types of functions and values.
Suffix Meaning F
identifies a fudget or a combinator returning a fudget. Examples:
buttonF :: Graphic lbl => lbl -> F Click Click
loopLeftF :: F (Either loop inp) (Either loop outp) -> F inp outp
Stream processor I/O operations and combinators. Examples: P
Placers. Examples:
verticalP, horizontalP :: Placer
tableP :: Int -> Placer
Spacers. Examples:
centerS, leftS, bottomS :: Spacer
marginS :: Int -> Spacer
Drawing combinators. Examples:
blankD, rectD, filledRectD :: Size -> Drawing lbl leaf
hboxD, vboxD :: [Drawing lbl leaf] -> Drawing lbl leaf
Fudget Kernels. (Not used by application programmers).
to the name of the standard function. Often
these general functions have one extra parameter, which is a
buttonF :: Graphic lbl => lbl -> F Click Click
buttonF' :: Graphic lbl => Customiser ButtonF -> lbl -> F Click Click
verticalP, horizontalP :: Placer
horizontalP', verticalP' :: Distance -> Placer
>+< >*<
>==< >^^=< >=^^< >^=< >=^<
The two outermost character >
and <
in these names indicate that the result of the composition is a fudget.
(They are supposed to look like the low and high level input and output pins of a fudget).
The characters in the middle mean:
Tagged parallel composition of two fudgets. *
Untagged parallel composition of two fudgets. =
Serial composition of a fudget with something else
In serial compositions, the characters in the middle indicate what kind
of operands are composed. One of the operands is always a fudget,
represented by an =
(two lines, suggesting the presence of
both high and low level streams). The other operand can be a fudget (the
operator is >==<
) or:
A function. It operates on one element in the high level stream at a time. ^^
A stream processor. It operates on high level streams. .
A function or a stream processor that operates on low level streams. (Not used by application programmers.) ..
Data flow from right to left in serial compositions, so for example
>=^< :: F b c -> (a->b) -> F a c
is a serial composition of a fudget and a function where the function can be
seen as a preprocessor.
Compiling Fudgets programs is very easy. The Fudgets library is distributed
as a Cabal package called
If some of your modules import
Note: The main module must be called fudgets
, and assuming it has been
installed with cabal install
, just compile your program
like any other Haskell program.
Other Haskell compilers…
Compiling Fudgets programs with hbc
Compiling Fudgets programs is very easy. The automatic make command
compiles the program whose main module is called Main and
located in the file Mainhbcxmake
. This simple command is
sufficient also for large programs consisting of several modules.
, you have
to add the -contrib
flag to the command line:
hbcxmake -contrib
, but the file
containing it can be called anything with the extension
, not just Main.hs
. (If the module
... where
header is omitted from a module, its name automatically
becomes Main
, you enter
to run it. You can also supply various flags and arguments.
The command line syntax for programs compiled with nhc13
or ghc
runtime flags-RTS
] [ program flags and arguments ]
The general command line syntax for Haskell programs compiled with
where the square brackets [ ] indicate optional items. Notice theMain
[ runtime flags ] [-
program flags ] [ arguments ]
preceeding the program flags.
The runtime flags are interpreted by the run-time system and allows you to set the heap size, switch on heap profiling, etc. See the compilers' manual pages for details. The program flags and arguments are available for the Haskell program to read. Flags interpreted by the fudgets library are listed below.
Various parameters can be changed by using command line switches or environment variables. Global settings:
Flag Default Meaning -look3d yes/no yes switches between a slim 3D look and an older 3D look designed for monochrome displays -ctt yes/no yes use click-to-type input discipline -version no makes the program print the version of the fudget library and exit -cache yes/no yes use font/color/gc cache to reduce communication with the X server -fg color black default foreground color -bg color grey default background color of unused or static areas -paper color white default background in areas displaying text that can be changed by the program or the user -font font fixed default fixed font -labelfont font variable default proportional font -sep distance 5 the default distance (in pixels) that separates adjacent user interface elements -string16bit no causes text to be drawn with XDrawString16
instead ofXDrawString
, allowing characters with codes above 255 to be used with 16-bit fonts.-dialogue-to-stdio no send all IO requests to stdout, expect IO responses on stdin
Flags that affect certain types of fudgets:
Flag Default Meaning Input editors -inputfg color fg colors used by fudgets that allow the user to edit a value -inputbg color paper -stringfg color inputfg colors used by stringF et al -stringbg color inputbg -inputfont font font font used by stringF et al -editfg color inputfg colors used by editorF -editbg color inputbg -selectfg color inputbg colors used for selected text in editorF -selectbg color inputfg -undodepth num unlimited limit on the depth of the undo buffer in editorF Buttons -buttonfg color fg colors for button labels -buttonbg color bg -buttonfont font labelfont font for text in button labels -shine color white or lightgrey color of button edges -shadow color black or grey30 -edgew width 2 or 4 default button edge width (in pixels) -toggleoff color bg color of the indicator in a toggle button -toggleon color fg Other -menufont font labelfont font for text in menu labels -dispfg color fg colors used by displayF et al -dispbg color paper -lblfg color fg colors used by labelF et al -lblbg color bg -cursor color yellow cursor color used by graphicsF et al
The settings above can also be changed using environment variables. The value of a parameter called name is taken from
Some old style X Windows applications
(e.g. xfd
, xfontsel
and xmore
contain a Quit button and some old Fudgets programs might have a
Quit button too.
When a program is started from a shell in a terminal window, Control-C can be use to stop it, like other programs.