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Version h9 Release Notes


This file describes the most important changes since the previous release.

Changes from the 8th (Jan 95) to the 9th (July 95) hackers' release

Lots of things have changed. Programs that worked with release h8 are not likely to work with this release without changes, unfortunately. (Some of these changes can be performed automatically, though. See below.) The motivation for most these changes is to make the library easier to use, more flexible and easier to extend in a backwards compatible way.

There are two major improvements:

  1. To get rid of a lot of hard-to-remember parameters that most fudgets have, we have introduced a mechanism for parameters with default values. This means that you now write, e.g.,
           b1 = buttonF "One"			-- version h9
           b2 = buttonF' (setFont "fixed") "Two" 	-- version h9
    instead of
           b1 = buttonF Nothing buttonFont [] "One" -- version h8
           b2 = buttonF Nothing "fixed" [] "Two"    -- version h8
    For more info, see the refence manual entry for Customiser.

  2. The layout system has been improved. There now is an automatic layout mechanism that allows you to write and run a first version of your program without having to worry about layout at all. You can then add layout information where the layout chosen by the automatic system isn't adequate.
Other changes:
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