¤ InputMsg, stripInputMsg, et al


data InputMsg a = InputChange a | InputDone KeySym a
instance (Eq a) => Eq (InputMsg a)
instance (Ord a) => Ord (InputMsg a)
instance (Show a) => Show (InputMsg a)
stripInputMsg :: InputMsg a -> a
tstInp :: (a -> b) -> InputMsg a -> b
mapInp :: (a -> b) -> InputMsg a -> InputMsg b
inputDone :: InputMsg a -> Maybe a
inputLeaveDone :: InputMsg a -> Maybe a

type KeySym = String


Fudgets that allow users to edit a value of type a output messages of type InputMsg a. The value indicates whether it is an intermediate or final value. The user usually indicates that a value is complete by pressing the Enter or Return key on the keyboard.

stripInputMsg extracts the contents of an input message.

tstInp applies a function to the contents of an InputMsg.

mapInp modifies the contents of an InputMsg.

inputDone allows you to check if an InputMsg signals that the user is done and if so extact the contents.

inputLeaveDone allows you to check if an InputMsg signals that the user is done or has left the input field and if so extact the contents.


 stripInputMsg >^=< stringF


InputMsg should be an abstract type.

See Also

stringF, inputDoneSP.